Thursday, November 5, 2015


Hello team!!

With Blizzcon starting tomorrow it seems silly to write a full post now when all the news and excitement is slated to take place over the next two days. I look forward to breaking down all the news here over the next week or two. There are a couple of things I didn't mention in last week's post;

As the rest of the internet is speculating, I think Overwatch will be announced as a Xbox One exclusive given Microsoft's presence at Blizzcon this year and the controller support already built into the early beta builds of the game.

Deckard Cain will be announced as one of the new heroes in HotS. This would follow the trend set last year with Lost Vikings. Blizzard said they felt like they had to get TLV out because of the number of requests they got at Blizzcon 2013. Everyone's favorite deceased Horadrim has been one of the most requested heroes since last years event. I'm sure some of those requests were in jest, but I don't think that will stop Blizzard.

That's all I can think of for now. Enjoy Blizzcon! I'll be watching right along with you.

Until next time,

CORRECTION: stupid ass GameStop let the cat out of the bag early and opened preorders for Overwatch on Xbox One, PS4, and PC for $59.99. Good news for all console players. I for one am happy to see a price tag as opposed to a free-to-play model. I get nickeled and dimed enough with Hearthstone and HotS. I expect some kind of season pass model eventually unlocking maps and heroes, but I hope they can manage to do it better than Evolve did. GG!

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