Saturday, July 25, 2015

Gamescom Predictions and The Grand Tournament

Well met!

Just like the lead up to PAX East and Blizzcon, the days leading up to Gamescom this year give something to be excited about as Blizzard fans. In the past few years Diablo has been Blizzard's main focus, announcing Reaper of Souls there in 2013. This year however, Blizzard has a lot more going on and therefore a lot more to expect. Let's work through the games and see what we can expect.

Diablo 3: Originally I had expected an expansion2 announcement at this years Gamescom primarily because years past have set the precedent. However, this year it seems that Diablo will not have a gameplay area. When Reaper of Souls was announced, Blizzard had an area set up for people to try out the Crusader class and run through Westmarch. I can't imagine Blizzard would announce an expansion without having a least a simple demo area. On top of that, they seem to be hitting their stride when it comes to the patch cycle. Patches 2.2 and 2.3 have brought not only new items and sets that have created new play styles, but also some sweeping changes to the way the game works. I'll probably get into the details of that after 2.3 releases, but there are a ton of changes coming including huge changes to bounties and rifts. I wouldn't be surprised if they wanted to take their time on an expansion, since the patch content is providing a decent amount of replay-ability in the meantime. At this point I would be shocked if we didn't get an expansion announcement at Blizzcon.

Starcraft: Legacy of the Void is listed as one of the playable games in Blizzard's section. I don't think there is much new we can see in terms of gameplay or missions that we haven't already seen in the beta or prologue missions, but this would be a great time to reveal the opening cinematic for the expansion. We all know Blizzard's cinematics are top of the line and they pretty much sell copies of the game my themselves. Get people excited with that and then let them play with new units and all that jazz in the pit.

Heroes of the Storm: With Leoric being released last week, we are nearing the end of the Eternal Conflict event. The two things on the Conflict website that we haven't see yet are the Monk and a second Diablo themed battleground. I would expect to see an in-depth preview of the Monk and his kit, and at least a flyover look at the battleground. Blizzard has been claiming a 3-4 week per hero time frame, so by the time Gamescom rolls around we will only be a week or two away from the Monk rolling out. As far as the battleground goes, this is pure speculation but perhaps we'll see some kind of Tristram tile set. Maybe demons/zombies invade the town every few minutes and your team or your minions get a buff based on how many of the bad guys your team kills. Just a thought. Maybe we will see another hero announced for after the Eternal Conflict winds down, but they may not want to distract from the event by making players look past it.

Overwatch: Things have been quite since Soldier 76 was revealed, but I think we are primed for a PAX East level preview in Germany. Blizzard teased a tourism poster on Friday for a fictional city called Numbani. The tag line "City of Harmony" has a very Zenyatta feel to it, and the robot silhouettes back that up. If you stop the Soldier 76 story trailer at 34 seconds in, you can see that Numbani is a city in the Ghana or Nigeria region of Africa and is one of the "Active Threats" in Overwatch's system. These breadcrumbs seem to be leading us to another battleground. We still don't know who the two characters are in the Overwatch poster whom the community have named "Green Ninja" and "Fat Bane". In addition to all of that, a few community members and content creators have been invited back to Blizzard HQ. A similar showing/playtest session was held prior to PAX East and it allowed them to get videos and reactions ready to go as soon as the official announcement was made. We got a bunch of videos about their impressions of McCree and Zarya after PAX and I'm fully expecting the same at Gamescom. There is a small chance we will get a beta start date, but thats only if Fall 2015 means early Fall 2015. If not I expect to wait until around Blizzcon.

World of Warcraft: In a post I wrote in March I went through my Blizzcon predictions and I was adamant that we were getting an expansion announcement just like every other expansion. Given the state of WoW and the discontent of the player base as of late, I don't think they can afford to wait that long. Blizzard has been inviting notable WoW community members to a invitation-only event at Gamescom. They did something similar back in 2013 when they were announcing Reaper of Souls. They gave the expansion announcement it's own event rather than tacking it on to their overall panel. I don't know what happened from the time they came up with the idea of Warlords of Draenor, to the time they got it implemented and out to players. I don't know if it was a learning curve of new developers and designers to the team. I don't know if they just bit off more than they could chew, but Warlords clearly wasn't what they envisioned it to be. There was potential in the story of this expansion and it could have been handled better, but something went wrong along the way and they had to change the path they were heading down and here we are. As a result, I think they want to move into the next expansion as quickly as they can. There was a supposed "leak" detailing a Dark Prophet expansion dealing with the South Seas, the Zandalari under new leadership, and Azshara making her grand return.  Some of the things in that post would be great directions for the game to go. I like the story ideas and think that despite some people's hatred for Troll content, there is a decent story to be told there. People have been asking for a South Seas expansion for years and tying in the Tomb of Sargeras is a nice way to bring the Legion threat full circle after the events of Warlords of Draenor. I could do without us having a ship and recruiting pirates or whatever, primarily because Garrisons are leaving a bad taste in my mouth. Whether or not the leak is legitimate doesn't really matter. There is a chance it is and there is an even bigger chance that it isn't. Either way I think we see an expansion annoucement and hopefully with it, something players can truly be excited about. We need it.

The Grand Tournament

Transitioning from things that might be announced to things that were announced, we got our second Hearthstone expansion announcement with The Grand Tournament. 132 new cards, a new game board, and a new mechanic. The Inspire mechanic is an ability that triggers when you activate your hero power, which is a theme throughout most of the cards we have seen so far. Many of the cards tie into the hero power, whether they reduce the cost, remove the once per turn limitation, or change it entirely. This seems to be this expansions version of mechs from GvG. Some of the cards previewed so far definitely seem playable, but I'll wait until we have the entire set previewed before I do any kind of review. I will say that I like the Inspire mechanic, and I'm sure there will be at least a few cards with the ability that make a big splash in constructed.

The timing of this expansion is a little strange however. Coming from a card game background that included Magic the Gathering, I believe there is a strong need for consistency with expansion releases. I know this may be an unpopular opinion, but I would be fine with a release schedule where every Spring we get a new adventure, and every Fall we get a full expansion. Anything more than that and I worry about what the game looks like in 2-3 years. It's important, when setting expectations for Hearthstone versus a physical card game, to remember the key differences. With each new set that is released it becomes harder and harder for new players to acquire cards for truly competitive decks, and because we cannot trade cards with other players, the only viable answer is to buy packs. And while it should be Blizzard's goal to make money, they long term health of the game is what truly allows Hearthstone to become a cash cow. Sure it's a free to play game, and players can earn gold from just playing over time, but they amount of time to acquire a collection gets bigger and bigger with every set. If players feel the only way to compete is to spend money and sometimes a lot of money for some decks, then they get turned off from the game. The goal needs to be to give new players the feeling that given the right investment of time or money they can get a continued level of enjoyment out of the game. And when you can provide that then you have that player hooked. It's not the tournament player we need to worry about. They are going to spend whatever they need to in order to get the cards they need to play on a competitive level. I think most tournament players would be content with 2 adventures and 1 expansion annually. Naxxramas and Blackrock Mountain have proven that a small release can have just as strong of an influence on the metagame as a full blown set.

Another problem with 2-3 sets being released yearly is power creep. Power creep is a problem for all card games. In order to make new cards exciting they need to be better than older cards to a certain extent. Chillwind Yeti was a reasonably strong card before we had any expansions. It was the best stats we could get on a 4 drop. GvG came out and we got Piloted Shredder. On the surface a 4/3 is worse than a 4/5, but when you consider the average 2 drop that comes out of a Shredder is a 2/3 all of a sudden we have 6 attack 6 health versus 4 attack 5 health in our 4 drop spot. As a result Chillwind Yeti ends up on the sidelines while Piloted Shredder is the universal best 4 drop. The way Magic combats this problem is primarily through rotating formats. To put it simply, every time a new set comes out a set from a year or two ago is no longer legal in that format. This way they can make different aspects of cards more powerful at different points. If one set has particularly strong creatures, then the next sets they may tone down the power level of creatures and raise the power level of spells to create this sort of see-saw effect. This way the overall power level is never too high, but certain aspects feel strong and create excitement. Sometimes the occasional card breaks the mold and sets a new standard (think Dr. Boom) but for the most part the process works. The issue with this process in Hearthstone is we have a digital card game. What would happen if when Grand Tournament was released, you could no longer queue for ranked if your deck contained cards from the original set. Those cards would cease to have in-game value outside of what they could be disenchanted for, but they were still purchased with real money or real time. In Magic there is a secondary market for cards, so when a new set is released players have the option to sell off the cards they can't play with anymore, usually for less than they were worth when they were legal to play. In Hearthstone the only "price" associated with any one card is the amount of dust it costs to craft. So if Hearthstone were to introduce a rotating format to prevent power creep, they would need to do something to dust prices for older cards to compensate. I know this became a wall of text, but my main point is by a slower release schedule, Blizzard has more time to decide how to tackle the power creep problem, as well as how to keep the game somewhat accessible to new players or players returning to the game. I for one would like to avoid any kind of rotating format for Hearthstone, but it does making the design and balancing of new cards far more difficult.

Sorry to go all wall of text on you there. But this is something  I have been curious about that the announcement of the Grand Tournament brought to the forefront, and it's something I haven't heard much discussion on from the community. Let me know what you guys think.

Well that's gonna do it for this week. As always, thanks for reading.

Till next time, Chris

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

The Overwatch Story Puzzle

Welcome back soldiers!

All things considered, it's a great time to be a Blizzard fan. Despite the shortcomings of World of Warcraft lately, they announced Warcraft: Chronicle which is a 3 part series laying down the history of Warcraft. Patch 2.3 for Diablo is currently in testing and will bring with it some changes and features that will undoubtedly make the game better (and that's ignoring any potential expansion talk). Starcraft 2's conclusion is almost here with the conclusion of an epic story. Hearthstone is hyping up some sort Argent Tournament style event or release. Heroes of the Storm keeps rolling out Heroes in a way that makes you forget the one that just released because there's another one coming. And then there is Overwatch.

With the gameplay previews for all the known heroes wrapping up, we were left to wonder if Blizzard would have anything to show last Wednesday. They did not disappoint. We got the background story and gameplay videos for Jack Morrison aka Soldier 76. 76 was the leader of Overwatch throughout the Omnic crisis up until their dismantling. The video paints him as a vengeful and somewhat spiteful vigilante seeking to take down those responsible for taking down Overwatch and attempting to kill him in the process. We already had some idea that OW was taken down from the inside via the Blizzcon panel last year, but now we're starting to get the pieces to the puzzle. The news article by Olympia Shaw gave us more insight into the days before Overwatch went dark. The combination of that and the Soldier 76 video present some interesting possibilities.

We got a nice shot of some of the original Overwatch members. Morrison, Reinhardt minus the helmet, Torbjorn, Pharah's mom, and who I assume is  Gabriel Reyes based on the article by Shaw. I don't know about you, but Reyes' shotgun sure look EXACTLY like Reaper's to me. That little touch is awesome because it lets us start to put together our own version of the story. Reyes could be the guy that took out Overwatch from the inside after being passed up for a promotion in favor of Morrison. Is Reyes rocking the Reaper outfit to hide his identity the same way Morrison is hiding his as Soldier 76? How does Talon, Reaper's current affiliation, fit into the equation? We know from the Widowmaker character page that Talon was responsible for brainwashing her and forcing her to kill her own husband. It's possible that Talon convinced Reyes to turn against Overwatch and in return he was enhanced to become the ultimate killing machine? As I said in my first OW lore post, one of the best parts about watching a new IP develop is having all of these questions and finding out the answers. There is something awesome about learning about the world outside of a wiki page.

Blizzard announced an upcoming graphic novel detailing the early days of Overwatch at Comic Con. In my opinion this is more exiting than any hero reveal we get between now and the beta. There is an opportunity to answer so many questions leading into the game. What was in Omnic crisis actually like? What made Reinhardt go a little cooky? What did Overwatch look like at it's peak? What actually happened to bring it down? And most importantly to me, what are the relationships between all of these characters that we will undoubtedly become attatched to in the years to come? We have a chance to feel he same regret when we see Reaper as we do when we see Arthas in Icecrown Citadel and Illidan in Black Temple. Jack Morrison could be a sympathetic hero in the same way as Sarah Kerrigan, screwed over by the people he trusted and seeking redemption. One day Tracer may have the same kind of fan base and following as Sylvanas, and we get to watch it happen from day one.

Every time Blizzard gives us something new from the Overwatch universe I get more and more excited. Let me know what your theories on the story or characters are, or just let me know what you want to see from Overwatch.

As always, thanks for reading. Until next time,

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Warcraft's Content Pacing

Welcome back friends!

Today I want to backseat game developer. We recently heard from Cory Stockton, Lead Content Designer on World of Warcraft, that Hellfire Citadel will in fact be Warlords of Draenor's final raid tier. Given the fact that we are facing off against Archimonde and the raid takes place on Gul'dan's doorstep, I can't say I am that surprised. However, there has been quite a bit of negative feedback around the idea of only 2 major content patches. And one of those patches can hardly be considered "major". Patch 6.1 was largely underwhelming to a lot of players. I personally had no interest in the selfie camera or Twitter integration, and the changes to the garrison only fixed issues and didn't add any new game play.

Patch 6.2 has been enjoyable for me personally up until now. The zone itself is well designed with a decent layout. Hellfire Citadel is beautiful and really calls back to the original 5 man dungeon zone and The Black Temple. The daily quests are a little tedious but the areas are different enough and the rare spawns throughout the zone reward you for being there for a while. Unfortunately it's still more of the same quest design we got from the garrison daily quests where you kill things and pick up items until a blue bar is full and then you leave. This method isn't exactly engaging but if all you are looking to do is unlock flying in a few weeks then it shouldn't be difficult to get the reputation you need in no time. I already completed the necessary achievement this week without doing any farming or grinding outside of dailies.

With all of that being said, the disappointment from the player standpoint stems from the same repetitive issue. Players want a steady flow of content in order to maintain interest in the game. This isn't just a Warlords of Draenor issue. We were unhappy that Icecrown and Siege of Orgrimmar hung around for too long. So if what we want is new things to do at a reasonable pace, then how does Blizzard get into that rhythm? They have forever been the company famous for not releasing anything until it's finished. I think the place for them too look is right there on the Blizzard campus.

Hearthstone was officially released to the public on March 11, 2014 and the game was instantly a hit partly due to a prolonged beta that was available for players to stream and build a following. 4 months later Curse of Naxxramas was released and it brought with it a relatively small number of new cards and a new game mode that would keep players attention for a few weeks. 5 months later Goblins vs Gnomes launched as a true full expansion. The entire metagame changed for everyone, and players of every skill level got a chance to experiment with new cards and interactions. And like clockwork, 5 months later, Blackrock Mountain was released as Hearthstones second adventure. Since the games official launch, Hearthstone has received a steady pace of new content. I understand that developing a card game is on a whole other side of the gaming spectrum as an MMO, but the concept still applies. A lot of players, especially ones who play Hearthstone competitively, would prefer a much faster release schedule, but they have been able to count on new content every 4-5 months. World of Warcraft players have been forever asking for something similar. I think it is possible if things are spread out and planned to hold that schedule. I've got an example of how I think Warlords could have gone to keep players invested. Keep in mind, all of this is from the mind of a casual gamer with hindsight and no development limitations.

- 6.0 launches very similarly to how it actually did in November. The leveling experience was hit out of the park. We familiarize ourselves with Draenor as the story unfolds before us. The launch dungeons are really well done, and Highmaul was fine as a launch raid. The only change I would make, would be to have Highmaul be its own raid tier. There would need to be a couple of extra bosses to fill it out, but we didn't need pre-tier raid. The legendary quest line can begin the same way, but it leads us into a different 6.1

- 6.1 could drop in January only this time it has Khadgar sending us to the isle of Farahlon as part of the legendary quest. It was originally shown on the Draenor world map but was eventually cut before the beta. How about we head there first after gathering our stones from Highmaul. We have to empower them at an ancient ogre waygate on Farahlon that the ogres kept secret from the orcs and we only find out about it by defeating the Imperator. We could add a dungeon or two with art styles similar to the lush purple eco-domes in Netherstorm since those are supposed to be what the zone originally looked like before Draenor exploded. This patch could work just like 5.1 in Mists of Pandaria. We get a new daily quest hub (which would get us out of the garrison way sooner), that progressively tells the story the same way the garrison campaign does. This method gives the zone a longer life and draws the player in. Every step of the quest feels like a reward since the next part isn't automatically there for you to speed through. The garrison campaign can continue as normal so that the player doesn't lose sight of the threat of the Iron Horde.

- 6.2 could hit in March and bring Blackrock Foundry as a new tier. The raid itself was really well done in my opinion. Most of the fights were interesting, and the Foundry itself feels epic. The goal remains the same. We want to cut the Iron Horde off from their supply of weapons and artillery and put all the pressure on Grommash. They could make the same garrison updates as they did in our 6.1 and at this point we have basically the same game only we have an additional zone of content to jump back to to keep things fresh. The legendary quest line continues as normal only we don't have the Killrog cinematic yet. We save that for the next patch.

- 6.2 in June would unlock the western half of Tanaan Jungle. We attempt to take the fight to Grommash and are met with the same resistance we see now when we enter the zone. There are barricades, Iron Horde soldiers, and Gronn fighting us at the gate. We establish a foothold the same way. Only up until this point we still don't know what Gul'dan is up to. The garrison campaign quests give us some interaction with Grom, then they send us to infiltrate the Bleeding Hollow area where we hear about the discontent within the Iron Horde. We find out whats going on with Iskar and the Arrakoa possibly allying themselves with Gul'dan. The first part of the zone gives us hints of what he is working on an what is still to come. Then as we progress through the zone similar to how we handled our version of 6.1, we come to the cinematic we had at the end of Blackrock Foundry's chain of the legendary quest. Grommash is losing leadership over the Iron Horde and Killrog joins with Gul'dan to complete the coup.

- 6.3 opens the rest of Tanaan Jungle in August. We finally get to see what Gul'dan is up to as we work our way through the rest of the zone. We see find out exactly what deal he made with the Legion. Hellfire Citadel opens just as it has now culminating with Archimonde. There would be a few differences. Whether it's a quest or a moment in the raid itself, Grom gets a true redemption arc, not one where everyone just forgets all the terrible things he's done. And after we complete the legendary quest line, we get some amount of content that gives us a sign of whats coming next. It could be Khadgar telling us where he thinks Gul'dan went, or it could be us receiving an urgent message from home letting us know about a new threat. This could conveniently come as a mini-patch as Blizzard releases information about the next expansion at Blizzcon.

Obviously that is just a retrospective of how things could have gone, but I think it speaks to the kind of schedule players are looking for. Every patch doesn't need to be a whole new raid tier, questing zone, dungeon, and battleground all rolled into one. Two of those every 4-5 months would be more than enough for most players, and the ones who that isn't enough for already aren't getting the flow of content they are looking for. It would be a step in the right direction at the very least. Players want to be able to count on some kind of rhythm. We want to be able to know something is on it's way, and occasionally be able to a hint of it ahead of time in the content we already have. At this point Warlords doesn't feel like the completion of a story. It feels like quick answers to unsure questions and it's leaving a bad taste in players mouths. The above layout is a decent outline that I'm sure the folks at Blizzard can do much better than, and I'm hoping they pull it off in the near future.

Well that feels like a bit of a ramble so I'm going to end it there. Let me know what you think about that kind of a content release schedule. Thanks as always for reading.

Till next time,
